Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Fun with Puzzles...

I found this great puzzle at Micheal's craft store... I got the fun of painting it and Gabriel got the fun of playing with it. I painted the spot where each animal goes to help identify where each one should go. Toddlers have a hard enough time trying to get the shape to fit why make it harder then it needs to be. It give toddlers confidence to be able to finish a project.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

A special something for a Special Girl!!!

My Niece Turned 5 last May 23rd. She is an amazing girl. She is a mini mama, toting around a baby doll with her where ever she goes. She is going to make the worlds greatest mama someday, all thanks to her wonderful Mother Kathrine! Is Kenzie the cutest!
For her birthday I decided to make her an apron and got a few cooking things to go with it; mixing bowl, spatula, oven mitt, measuring cups and cookie mix. She will need her mothers help but I have a feeling that she is going to love it!

Here is a picture of Blake showing off her cousins apron. It is a bit big, even for Blake (who is 7), but that will give her room to grow and enjoy it longer.

Nick The Spider....

About a month ago I noticed a spider of great size in the corner of my dinning room. Being super wacky about spiders I thought, if he moves, he's a goner. The spider stayed put, and became a fixture of the dinning room. Catching the bugs that fly in from outside, he was a keeper. One morning at breakfast we as a family voted to name our spider. Blake was the first with a name and NICK it was!
This morning Nick was gone. We were sad. Later this evening I found Nick. He had found a new spot by the front door. I was happy to share with the family once I had found him. I sure hope Nick doesn't invite any of his friends in, I don't think I can handle any other spiders!

I am hoping Nick will stick around long enough to have Blake write a story about him. I think it would be a great Summer project. I will update you on her story in a few weeks.